Frequently Asked Questions


What is Glass?

The Corning Museum of Glass says:  

Glass is a rigid material formed by heating a mixture of dry materials to a viscous state, then cooling the ingredients fast enough to prevent a regular crystalline structure. As the glass cools, the atoms become locked in a disordered state like a liquid before they can form into the perfect crystal arrangement of a solid. Being neither a liquid nor a solid, but sharing the qualities of both, glass is its own state of matter.


How is glass made?

Glass is made with Silicone Dioxide, found in sand, Potash, and Calcium Oxide and mixing them together under  high heat.  The addition of  metallic oxides, such as iron or copper gives the glass its color.

 Glass is then blown in to molds to make bottles, or poured over a liquid and floated to make flat glass.


What is the difference between Tempered and Safety glass?

Tempered glass and Laminated glass are types of Safety glass. Certain  building codes require the use of safety glass in  locations where glass  could easily be broken and pose a danger to people. Tempered glass  is hardened through a heating and cooling process and breaks in to small  pieces when broken. Laminated glass is usually 2 pieces of annealed glass with a piece of vinyl film bonded between them. When it breaks  it is more likely to stay in one piece.